Santa Paws Howliday Hunt Report: (aka I looked silly, but the beagles were all business!)A plethora of rabbits entertained the beagles today. We started the draw in the southeast corner of a riparian field, and it was initially very quiet. As we crossed around to the northwest corner, the beagles hit. The field had at least three views and I had one...I was never able to lift the pack to any of the views, they just kept singing on the line of their choice and taking us around in big arcs. The pack split briefly while George considered a riot, but excellent whipping-in kept them all together and on the correct quarry. Whips J. Dickson, S. Kroschell, E. Dennis, and E. DeYoung (junior) were great today. Beagles Pike, Gulliver, and Kipling were hard at work all day. Even George shined brightly after he got back on track. Youngsters Guppy and Dallas ran the hot lines, but didn't want to solve the tougher mysteries when they overran or lost for a few minutes. But, along with me, they are learning and we are all enjoying our education. Our hostess, L.D. provided outstanding holiday hospitality and atmosphere. Thank you all for a wonderful morning!