Today's Hunt Report for Saturday 2/23/19 at Meadow Run Farm

Today's hunt was rescheduled from our usual meet day of Sunday, as heavy rains and winds were predicted for tomorrow. We had a field of about 6. S. Totten, J. Roslan, S. Kroschell, and R. Mock whipped in to 5 1/2 couple. With light wind from the Northeast, I tried to start drawing at the south end of the fixture, zig-zagging eastward throught the brushy coverts separated by mowed paths. It was a fairly quiet until we got mid-way through the fixture. S.Totten had a view and the beagles hit on the line immediately and screamed southwest for about 500 feet. The rabbit turned into the nature preserve where we cannot hunt, so we tried in another direction after a nice bit of beagle music. Beagles worked very hard, but did not find again. Whippers-in did an outstanding job of keeping the pack in the coverts and out of the designated out-of-bounds zones. Our hosts, Mark and Stacy Kircher Totten provided a wonderful lunch of beef stew, Italian subs, and cookies. Cookbook author, B. Youel, also shared with the group her deliciously healthy version of a 7-layer dip. A very nice day.