The beagles rang in the 2020 season with plenty of musical cry. Glengarah proved to be an exciting place to hunt...We broke with our traditional pattern of draw at this fixture and started our day by going into a covert due south of the jump field (we usually head north). The break with tradition paid off because the area was excellent rabbit habitat and we enjoyed plenty of vocal enthusiasm from our 4 1/2 couple of beagles. The field had a view and the beagles were able to work out a respectable portion of her path in the thicket. MVB (most vocal beagle) awards today go to Pike, Gulliver, Sizzle, and Jenkins. Whips were excellent at riot aversion and hazard protection (an old well) Tom and Kim Barratt warmed us up after the hunt with hot chili under January skies. Sincere thanks to the O'Neill and Mueller families for letting us enjoy a Saturday to remember on their land. Thank you to everyone who came out today...we so appreciate your enthusiasm and support in these shared adventures! - Karen