HUNT REPORT: 9/20/20 Blessing and Opening Meet at Gates Mills Village The opening meet of the Chagrin Valley Beagles was preceded by the Blessing of the Hunt, officiated by Mother Anne Kidder of St. Christopher's by-the-River. In our weekly hunts, my first prayer is always that every hound and human returns safe and sound, but I am ever-grateful that someone with far more grace than I can ever aspire to interceded for us in this historic ceremony. Immediately following the Blessing, we set off on what turned out to be a red-hot exciting hunt. We started our draw at the thick covert beyond the village polo field and the field was treated to 2 views and some very good hound music. The midday sun, however, gave the rabbit the advantage in terms of scent, and she gave us the slip. We pushed on to the wooded hillside and got a few squeaks out of our 5-couple pack, but saw no substantial sport here. After a quick water break near a landowner's barn, we carried on to the Swampy Place. The Swampy Place is usually a good place to find and today was no exception. Those little hounds went around and around on a sporting young rabbit and their music was outstanding! The field had a view and so did the staff. A good hour of time well spent happened in this area. I was pleased that not one beagle made a try for the pair of does that leapt across Epping Rd., but instead wisely opted to focus on the cottontail... PHEW!!! Our whips, J. and C. Roslan, E. DeYoung, S. Kroschell, and J. Dickson provided just the right amount of control. Special thanks to Master L. Mock and to her husband and son for their extra help and much-appreciated beverage station at the end of the hunt. As always, deepest gratitude to our landowners without whose generosity none of this fun would be possible. Not bad for a first time out, Team Beagle!!!
